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Class List:
The Natural Order Process, Volume II, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, by Vitvan.
Began on, September 13th, 2021.
This class is hosted every other Monday, 7:30 PM MTN.
How To Take The Journey, by Vitvan.
Began on, June 30th, 2024.
"In various courses in the instruction of the School of the Natural Order we have laid out a road map for taking the journey - Treading the Path - but we are not content to have a good road map and imagine, by looking at the road map, that we have taken the journey. Each of us individually must accomplish taking the journey. It is a fascinating experience and so full of interest that it is impossible for me to conceive anything as valuable, as interesting and as exciting as taking the journey. I have been over that Path not only once, but I have turned back and gone over it again and again and every time I go over the route, Tread the Path, I get so excited and carried away - it is like a perennial joy song that sings louder and louder. So, to me, it is the most important 'thing' in the world; everything else is subsidiary, secondary - "suffer it to be so now," etc. - to the actual process of taking the journey. With this lesson we will give a description of how to take the journey." ~ Vitvan *** Class is held Sunday mornings 9:30 a.m. Pacific Time. Please contact us for a Zoom meeting invitation.
Teachers' Manual, by Vitvan.
Began on, March 10th, 2021.
This class is closed to new participants.
Summer Seminar 2024, by Vitvan and Dr. John Gozzi, plus Student Presentations.
Began on, September 3rd, 2024.
Dear Students, travelers on the path of discovery of one’s True Self! The dates of this year’s summer seminar are as follows: September 3rd through the 8th, Tuesday – Sunday. The seminar will be held on “Zoom” this year. If you wish to attend, just click on the invite we will send out and follow the instructions. Attendance is free, and as always, donations are welcome. (Donate today! or SNO, PO Box 150, Baker, NV. 89311). *** Zoom Invite & Attendance*** Please request an invitation and further login information by sending a message to *** Class Schedules *** All times are Mountain Time *** September 3rd through the 6th, Tuesday through Friday *** *** 7:00am Morning Meditation, Pranayama; *** 7:30pm “Daily Use of the SNO Teachings” (Audio & Video Recordings) by Dr. John Gozzi ***Followed by discussion and Meditation. *** Saturday, September 7th *** 7:00am Morning Meditation, Pranayama *** 7:30pm “Reality – What a Concept” by Dennis Reuter *** *** Join in listening to a 30-minute video presentation by Sean Carroll from his lecture series "The Higgs Boson and Beyond.” Correlations with gnostic teachings and those of the School of the Natural Order will be discussed. (90 minutes total presentation, 30 minutes of video, with discussion). *** Sunday, September 8th *** 9:30am “Toolbox” Presentation by Kathy Wright *** *** This class is based on student participation, a sharing of what tools and techniques one finds meaningful that lead to a deepening into that stillness. Also, inquiry into the effortless practice beyond the techniques and tools.